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Access to Hollywood

Hollywood Boulevard is perhaps the most famous street in Los Angeles. Council District 13’s Access to Hollywood program has the goal of making this iconic corridor a more welcoming street and improving the experience for people walking and bicycling along the Walk of Fame and attractions along the entire corridor that make the communities of Hollywood shine. Access to Hollywood is the name given to a related series of projects which will improve the safety and mobility along Hollywood Boulevard. It also refers to related capital improvement projects and potential funding programs such as the Hollywood Vine Visitor Center and Restrooms and Hollywood Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District. Click below to learn more about the efforts that will help transform Hollywood Boulevard.


Access to Hollywood Streetscape Plan: Phase 1

Building on the work and community engagement completed during the development of the Heart of Hollywood Concept Plan, the Access To Hollywood Streetscape Plan brings a vision to Hollywood that makes it safer for people walking, bicycling, and taking transit. Phase 1 of this effort will weave together two projects that will all together bring 3.6 miles of protected bicycle infrastructure to central Hollywood. These two projects include:

  • Hollywood Boulevard Safety and Mobility Project- The Los Angeles Department of Transportation has been hard at work engaging with communities along the corridor to inform improvements between Gower St and the intersection of Sunset Blvd and Fountain Ave. This work has been done under LADOT’s Vision Zero Program with the goal of making one of the most dangerous corridors in the city safer, and connects the communities of East Hollywood to Central Hollywood! Watch the town hall video here for an overview of the changes coming to this part of the corridor, and follow the project website for updates.

    new design
  • Metro Active Transportation Program Quick-Build This project, led by the Bureau of Engineering with funds made possible by Metro will continue the protected Bicycle lane from Gower St west to Orange Dr. It will also introduce a bus lane, and expand sidewalks in some areas for people to enjoy the sights and sounds of Hollywood. In some segments, there will be a joint bus and bike lane. See proposed cross sections here
Bus and Bike Lanes
Bus and Bike Lanes 2

Access to Hollywood Streetscape Plan: Phase 2

 Phase 2 of the Access to Hollywood Streetscape Plan will harden the treatments introduced between Gower St and Orange Dr in Phase 1. This permanent construction will build on the efforts and concepts developed in the “Heart of Hollywood Concept Plan.” Updates on the progress of this effort will be shared as available. Read our FAQ  for common questions about the project here.


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Hollywood Blvd EIFD

Council District 13 is studying whether or not an Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD) would help fund capital improvements to the regional center of Hollywood in support of the goals of the Hollywood Community Plan and the Access to Hollywood Streetscape Plan. Read our FAQ to learn more about what an EIFD is and how it can help change Hollywood here.