Frequently Asked Questions
What is the objective of the Access to Hollywood Streetscape Plan?
The Hollywood Walk of Fame is a Historic-Cultural Monument that is the “Main Street” of the Hollywood community, while also attracting millions of visitors per year. It is located on the sidewalks of Hollywood Boulevard, 1.3 miles east to west, from Gower Street to La Brea Avenue; and on Vine Street, 0.4 miles north to south, between Yucca Street and Sunset Boulevard. However, sidewalks are often congested, certain pieces of infrastructure are outdated, and the area lacks the infrastructure needed to create a safe, comfortable and inviting environment for community members and visitors alike. The goal of the Access to Hollywood Streetscape Plan is to move this iconic corridor forward into the 21st century, respecting its rich history, while establishing a street that is accessible for the residents and businesses that call this area home. This project aims to make it easier for people to walk, bicycle or ride transit to their favorite Hollywood attractions.
What is included in the Quick-Build Streetscape Improvements?
There are seven design elements included in the Quick-Build Streetscape Improvements:
- Bus Only Lanes (A) to support access for people using transit along the corridor.
- Bus Boarding Platforms (B), which provide a level surface to allow transit users to access the existing sidewalk
- Bus Shelters (C) to provide additional amenities for people using transit to move along the corridor. Bus shelters will primarily be upgraded and coordinated with StreetLA’s STAP program.
- Protected Bike Lanes (D) to provide a safe and accessible way for people to bicycle through the corridor and connect to destinations across Hollywood.
- Shared Bus/Bike Lanes (E) along certain segments of the corridor to allow for expanded pedestrian space.
- Expanded Pedestrian Space (F), which includes the conversion of the existing parking lanes to create space for people to sit, talk, eat, mingle, and enjoy all that Hollywood has to offer. These spaces may include new benches, tables and chairs, trash cans, bike racks and more.
- Planters and Landscaping (H), will be used where possible to create additional separation between expanded pedestrian zones and travel lanes. The specific types of separators are to be determined based on feasibility for purchase and maintenance.

What are the extents of the project?
The Access to Hollywood project is located along Hollywood Boulevard (between Gower Street and La Brea Avenue) and Vine Street (between Yucca Street and Sunset Boulevard). The Hollywood Walk of Fame Concept Plan includes the full extent of the Walk of Fame along these streets, though the full build-out design will be revised in the coming months.
Phase 1 implementation includes Quick-Build Streetscape Improvements funded by Metro's Active Transportation Program, along Hollywood Boulevard from Gower Street (east of the Hollywood/Vine Metro Station) to Orange Drive (west of the Hollywood/Highland Metro Station). In addition, this will be implemented in coordination with the LADOT Hollywood Boulevard Safety and Mobility Project to extend project benefits.
Phase 2 implementation includes Full Build-Out, which is anticipated to occur in segments. The implementation strategy for this effort is pending the Final EIR.
Will there be impacts on traffic and parking?
Analysis of normal conditions on Hollywood Blvd show that the corridor has relatively low traffic volumes compared to the capacity of the street. Therefore, the proposed change to the roadway is not anticipated to result in heavy impacts to vehicular circulation.
The concept plan found that current on-street parking meters on the Walk of Fame represent only ~2% of the publicly available off-street parking found within one-block of the corridor. Therefore, the proposed conversion of the parking lane into different use(s) is not expected to have a significant or detrimental effect on parking in the area. The concept plan provides a detailed map and inventory of all the publicly available parking within one block of the Walk of Fame. This plan does flag the need to improve how visitors are directed to parking structures in the center of Hollywood - which is being worked on!
Who is leading this project?
The Walk of Fame portion of Access to Hollywood is a project of the City of Los Angeles and the Bureau of Engineering. Funding for the Quick-Build Streetscape Improvements is provided by a grant from Metro’s Active Transportation Program.
What is the budget for this project?
As Phase 2 is still in the design phases, the total budget has not yet been determined. It is anticipated that the total project cost will ultimately be on par with other large investments into shared public spaces in the City. Investment tools such as the Hollywood EIFD will help inform the scope and budget for this effort.
What Happened to the Heart of Hollywood Plan?
Access to Hollywood is a continuation of our predecessor’s work known as the Heart of Hollywood Plan.

In 2021, Metro awarded $7.2 million in funding from the Metro Active Transportation (MAT) program for Quick-Build Streetscape Improvements along Hollywood Blvd.). Design of the Quick-Build Streetscape Improvements began in early 2022 and continued through early 2024. Construction of revised Quick-Build Streetscape Plans are anticipated to be implemented in late 2024.
Design development for the Full Build-Out is currently undergoing revisions. Updated funding plans are being developed and will be shared following the release of a Final EIR.
From 2020 to 2021 a concept plan and schematic design work were completed called the Hollywood Walk of Fame Concept Plan and 50% Schematic Design. Revisions to the Plan are anticipated in 2024 to change how the additional roadway space allocated for people walking and bicycling is used to accomplish the goals of a safer and more walkable street.
What type of barrier will be used to protect the bike lanes? Will it be concrete?
Traditionally, LADOT has used plastic posts, also known as “bollards,” to separate the bike lane from the parking lane. LADOT is also exploring more durable “quick build” materials to bolster the barrier and aims to use Hollywood Blvd as a pilot location.
Concrete barriers are not planned at this time. This would require additional funding and design. Using “quick-build” materials allows LADOT the flexibility to make adjustments to the project after it is installed, and to achieve the benefits in a much shorter time frame.
How will you keep the protected bike lanes clear of trash and other obstacles?
The bike lane will not be wide enough for drivers to park in (5 to 6 ft wide). Barriers along the bike lanes will be spaced frequently and consistently so as to prevent drivers from pulling over into the bike lanes.
To keep the bike lanes clear of trash, leaves, and other debris, the Bureau of Street Service (StreetsLA) will sweep the bike lanes on a regular schedule using a specialized “mini” street sweeper.
Will this project also include sidewalk repair, trees, or bus shelters?
This project is focused on traffic safety and will only make improvements to the street space between the curbs. It will not include sidewalk repair, street furniture, bus shelters, or trees.
To report a sidewalk problem, go online to or call 311.
StreetsLA is the agency responsible for bus shelters through the Sidewalk and Transit Amenities Program (STAP). A fact sheet about the program can be found here.
Is this project doing anything to improve crossings at Hollywood Blvd?
LADOT will be upgrading three existing pedestrian crossings on Hollywood Boulevard: at Winona Boulevard, Rodney Drive, and Hobart Boulevard. These will be upgraded from the existing flashing beacons (flashing yellow lights, drivers must yield to pedestrians in crosswalk) to pedestrian hybrid beacons (using a specific design known as a “HAWK”). HAWKs are activated by pedestrians and stop traffic with a red light. They are dark when not active. HAWKs have a much higher compliance rate than flashing beacons (drivers are much more likely to stop for pedestrians) and will make it safer for people to cross.
Will this project include roundabouts/traffic circles?
Due to its size and volume of traffic, roundabouts and traffic circles are not appropriate for Hollywood Boulevard.
We are currently exploring a variety of design solutions for the Sunset/Hillhurst complex intersection, but aiming for a solution that can be implemented relatively quickly. A full traffic circle at an intersection of this size would require much more significant resources and time.
How will removing two vehicle lanes impact traffic?
LADOT completed a traffic analysis of the corridor to measure the vehicular impacts of a lane reconfiguration. The study estimated that this project will have a relatively minor impact on travel times: in the westbound direction, travel times may increase by up to 2.3 minutes per mile during the morning rush hour. In the eastbound direction, travel times may increase up to 2.7 minutes per mile during the evening rush hour. These represent the busiest periods of the day in each direction.
LADOT also completed an analysis to understand whether vehicles may be diverted as a result of the anticipated traffic changes. The results indicate that approximately 20% of drivers who currently travel on Hollywood would be diverted to other streets such as Franklin, Sunset, and Fountain. These are drivers who are traveling longer distances and whose destinations are not on or near Hollywood Blvd. The remaining 80% of drivers will continue to make trips on Hollywood, as their destinations are on or close to the corridor.
The analysis assumed that travel lanes would be removed in each direction throughout the whole project area, therefore the results are more conservative than we expect the actual changes to be: in the proposed project design, LADOT will maintain the existing number of travel lanes for a portion of the project area near the 101 Freeway. This will help maintain the flow of traffic onto and off of the 101 Freeway and minimize travel time impacts in the most congested section of the project area.
LADOT will conduct a pre- and post-project evaluation (1 year after project installation) to ensure that the project is operating as intended and will make adjustments to the design as needed.
How did LADOT determine the location and limits for this project?
The Vision Zero program identified Hollywood Blvd as a Priority Corridor in 2019 due to the rate of people killed or severely injured in crashes. With 16.35 deaths and serious injury crashes per mile (2013-2017), Hollywood Blvd between Fuller Ave and Lyman Pl has an urgent need for traffic safety improvements.
The traffic analysis discussed above took a comprehensive look at all of Hollywood Blvd from Fairfax Ave to Lyman Pl. Between Fairfax Ave and La Brea Ave, there are peak-hour travel lanes (that serve as parking lanes outside of rush hour) that need to be maintained for transit service. Council District 13 and the Bureau of Engineering are leading the effort to redesign the Walk of Fame portion of Hollywood Blvd between La Brea Ave and Gower St (see below under Outreach, Project Timeline, and Implementation Process). For these reasons, LADOT decided to pursue the project between Gower St and Lyman Pl.
While the Vision Zero Priority Corridor reaches Lyman Pl to the east, this project will further extend on Sunset Blvd to Fountain Ave in order to address safety and mobility needs, including to provide a continuous bike lane, between Hollywood Blvd/Lyman Pl and Sunset Blvd/Fountain Ave.
Will this project divert traffic onto parallel streets and the 101 Freeway?
LADOT’s analysis of travel time impacts indicates that approximately 20% of drivers who currently travel on Hollywood would divert to parallel streets. As part of project evaluation, it is LADOT’s standard practice to monitor the project area after implementation and determine if any additional improvements are needed to address any changes to neighborhood traffic patterns. These treatments can potentially include turn restrictions or physical diverters.
What will the impacts be on parking and local businesses?
Approximately 1 to 2 spaces per block on each side of the street will need to be removed between Van Ness to Lyman in order to increase visibility at driveways and intersections for the protected bike lane.
To provide a safe and continuous bike lane over the 101 Freeway, all on-street parking spaces will need to be removed between Van Ness and Gower (though much of this area is already red curb). Of the approximately 2,000 feet of roadway between Van Ness and Gower, street parking is already restricted with red curb on nearly half of the street).
When surveyed, only 57% of business owners said that parking along Hollywood Bl was a concern. Because there are many parking lots along the street, there are alternatives to street parking available for most sections of the project corridor.
Although this project will take away parking spaces, by making the street safer, it will increase accessibility to businesses for people on foot and by bike.
LADOT will reach out to businesses to notify them about parking loss and determine feasible measures to help mitigate this, such as through relocating or adding short-term parking to side streets.
What will the impacts be on buses? Can you include bus only lanes?
No changes to bus service or bus stop locations are being proposed. Questions regarding bus service can be directed to Metro -
The travel delay study completed for the project showed that a lane reconfiguration would have a relatively minor impact on vehicle travel times (2.3 to 2.7 minutes per mile). We can assume this applies to bus travel times.
As part of the post-project evaluation, LADOT will be looking at bus operations and any impacts to service as a result of the project.
LA Metro is not recommending bus-only lanes on this part of Hollywood Blvd but is exploring other nearby corridors for enhanced bus service.
Did you analyze the fatal and severe crashes that occurred on Hollywood? What were the circumstances of those crashes, and how is LADOT addressing these safety issues?
LADOT conducted extensive analysis of crashes and severe injuries along Hollywood Boulevard from Fairfax to Lyman Place. We found that between 2010 and 2019 there have been 1,965 total crashes with 99 of those resulting in death or severe injury (KSI) ranking it as one of the most dangerous streets in the city.
60% of the KSIs along the corridor involved people walking or biking.
24% of KSIs along the corridor were due to vehicles failing to yield to pedestrians and other vehicles. 30% of KSIs along the corridor were due to a pedestrian violation.
53% of KSIs occurred between 6 PM and 6 AM.
Additional details on the types of crashes is found in the project traffic study, available on the website:
What are the next steps for this project?
LADOT will continue to do outreach through mid-March 2024 to gain additional feedback on the project and address issues or concerns that arise. At the same time, LADOT engineers will be refining the concept design. Prior to project implementation, LADOT will provide notification on the specific timeline and construction impacts.
Improvements on Hollywood Bl between Gower and Lyman were installed in 2024.
Improvements at the Hollywood/Sunset/Hillhurst intersection, and the segment between that intersection and Sunset/Fountain, may be completed at a later time, pending additional design, outreach, and funding.
How does the Hollywood Safety and Mobility Project relate to the Walk of Fame project?
The Hollywood Walk of Fame Masterplan is a separate project that began in 2019 and seeks to improve the pedestrian, bicyclist, and transit-rider experience from Gower to La Brea along Hollywood Boulevard.
The Bureau of Engineering (BOE) and Council District 13 are the lead agencies working on the Walk of Fame Masterplan.
LADOT is working closely with BOE and CD 13 to ensure that the Walk of Fame project integrates the safety goals of the broader Hollywood Vision Zero project.
How much will this project cost and where is the money coming from?
This project will be funded through existing City funds that the City Council has already dedicated to paying for traffic safety improvements. This is a quick-build project, meaning it will rely on low-cost materials such as paint and bollards, and will not involve pouring concrete or other higher cost treatments.
Where can I find additional information about the studies and outreach that have been done as part of this project?
Project information will be posted at:
Who will use the new bike lanes?
Hollywood Boulevard runs through densely populated neighborhoods with many destinations and jobs, and excellent transit access. Because of this, it is an ideal place for active transportation.
There is already a high amount of active transportation along the corridor. An analysis done by LADOT showed that during certain times on certain segments of the street there are nearly 3,000 pedestrians.
The proposed improvements to Hollywood will foster even more active transportation. Currently this part of central Los Angeles does not have any high quality bike infrastructure. By creating a 2 mile east-west protected bike lane that connects with other facilities, including existing lanes on Sunset Boulevard, the project will promote bicycling.
Can LADOT increase speed enforcement or install cameras on Hollywood?
The speed limit on Hollywood is 35 mph from Gower to Lyman. Our study showed that in certain sections over ⅓ of vehicles exceed the posted speed limit of 35 mph.
LAPD is tasked with enforcement of traffic laws such as speeding. LADOT works with LAPD to focus enforcement on corridors with demonstrated speeding issues.
Enforcement is an important component of maintaining safety on a street, but enforcement alone is not sufficient: street design and engineering have a significant impact in encouraging slower speeds.
Automated enforcement (speed cameras) was recently authorized by the state legislature as a pilot program. The City will be developing a policy for implementation and identifying locations over the coming year, a process that will require additional analysis and outreach.
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Resources - Past Designs
Past Heart of Hollywood Efforts
Phone: 213-473-7013