Posted on 01/10/2025

NOTE: Please share this email with your neighbors, friends, and community groups. We don't have everyone's email, so your help can make a difference in keeping people safe.
Dear Neighbor,
Over the past 24 hours, firefighters have been able to make progress at containing some of the fires across the region. Still, hazardous conditions are expected to persist well into next week. Stay safe, and stay informed by reading the updates below:
- Forecast
- Air Quality
- Power Outages
- How to Help
- Mental Health Resources
- Recovery Resources
These fires have been scary, frustrating, and heartbreaking – but they’ve also shown the incredible strength and solidarity within our communities. In times of struggle, neighbors step up with compassion and care, showing the best of who we are. It won’t be easy, but together, we can overcome this crisis and build a stronger, safer city.
In Solidarity,
Threatening conditions are expected to continue throughout the weekend, including Saturday night and early next week. Stay vigilant and be ready for conditions to change rapidly.

Protect your health by staying updated on air quality in your area with The South Coast Air Quality Management District also has an interactive air quality map, and you can sign up for air quality alerts.
- Limit vigorous physical activity.
- Keep windows and doors closed.
- Use an N95 or P100 mask outdoors.
As of 3pm today, 50,531 households are without power. LADWP has restored power to 311,040 households since the start of the storm.
Crews are working to restore service as quickly as possible. At this point, most outages are being resolved within 24-48 hours. If your power has been out for more than 48 hours, please contact our office.
The following resources are available to help find opportunities for volunteers, donations, and services:
- Mutual Aid Los Angeles Network (MALAN) Resources, which lists locations accepting donations/volunteers, and providing services.
- LA Works is also keeping an updated list of volunteer needs, and you can sign up to receive alerts when volunteer needs come up.
- Follow @selahnhc for up to date donation and volunteer needs to help our unhoused neighbors affected by the fires in and near District 13.
- If you are able to donate financially, check out this list from LA2050.
Please don’t drop off unsolicited donations at shelters/organizations since it can overwhelm them, and steer clear of fire areas to allow clear passage for emergency vehicles.
If you or your loved ones are experiencing mental health distress related to the wildfires in California, do not hesitate to ask for help.
- LA County Department of Health Help Line – call (800) 854-7771
- Crisis Text Line – text LA to 741741
- Disaster Distress Crisis Counseling Helpline – call 800-985-5990
- 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline – dial 988
- Parent Guidelines for helping children impacted by fires.
- Housing navigation
- Case management
- Financial coaching
- Business Assistance
- Employment Assistance
- Layoff Aversion Services
- Youth Assistance
- AirBnb Emergency Housing
- FEMA Relief
- Food Resources