Posted on 08/12/2024

What's Happening?
With only one week left until CicLAvia: Meet the Hollywoods on August 18th, we are thrilled to announce that the first phase of our Access to Hollywood plan is nearly complete - meaning that people of all ages can now enjoy the first protected bike lanes in CD13, along 2.1 miles of Hollywood Boulevard!
We’ve already gotten a ton of amazing feedback from our community about these changes, so we thought we’d take a look at what all of you are saying.
In a recent community survey about Access to Hollywood, for which we received hundreds of responses from stakeholders, we asked:
On a scale of 1-5 please rank how much you agree with this statement: "I support the protected bike lanes on Hollywood Blvd" - with 1 meaning strongly disagree and 5 being "strongly agree"
The results? Nearly 70% of respondents answered “5 - strongly agree”!
Here’s what some of them had to say:
“I love the bike lanes!! They serve as a visual and practical reminder that my city is investing in its public, in our safety, in our happiness!“
“Love that the bike lanes are protected and hope we can continue this vision into other places in LA. Thank you!
“I LOVE THE NEW BIKE LANES. May this be the future of LA, bringing us a little closer to any other competent city offering mixed mobility and a variety of options that make the city better for people and not car centric”
Why it Matters
Hollywood Boulevard has long been one of the most dangerous streets in our city, making up part of the High Injury Network, which represents the 6% of streets in Los Angeles where 70% of the city’s traffic deaths and severe injuries occur.
We know that big changes like these can sometimes come with a learning curve, and it will take some time for some people to adjust to the new Hollywood Boulevard - but the results are going to be safer streets, fewer traffic deaths, and a more vibrant Hollywood Boulevard for everyone.
What's Next?
On Sunday, August 18th, we will be riding down Hollywood Boulevard as part of CicLAvia: Meet the Hollywoods, and celebrating the completion of phase one of this exciting new project. The work is not over though!
Phase two of our Access to Hollywood plan, which will harden the treatments introduced between Gower St and Orange Drive will continue our vision of a safer Hollywood, and make these exciting new changes more permanent. So keep your eyes and ears peeled for more information on that!
Two More Quick Hits!
1. Adjusting the RSO Formula
On Wednesday, we joined the Keep LA Housed Coalition and members from organizations all over Los Angeles on the steps of City Hall’s South Lawn for a press conference regarding tenant protections and LA’s RSO formula.
We know that over 60% of Angelenos are renters, and half of those renters are severely rent-burdened, meaning they spend over 50% of their income on rent. Our City’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO), which applies to about two thirds of rental units in Los Angeles, is one of the few tools the City has to fight untenable rent increases. But for 23 of the last 30 years, the current RSO formula has allowed landlords to raise rents at a rate higher than inflation - a trend that has led to greater instability for tenants, and more evictions, effectively minimizing the positive effects of this naturally occurring affordable housing.

That’s why for the first time in over 40 years, we are looking at changing the RSO formula, so that landlords cannot raise rent at rates higher than inflation, and so that tenants can be protected from unreasonable rent hikes, and unnecessary evictions.
2. Friends of LA River: River Fest 2024!
This Sunday, August 11, 2024, join the Friends of LA River (FOLAR) for their third annual River Fest!
This is a free, open-air environmental arts and community festival celebrating the culture, history, and people that shape the LA River. This year, FOLAR will welcome Angelenos to LA State Historic Park, for a festival featuring a variety of local artists with live performances, a visual art gallery, and a marketplace featuring delicious food from local food trucks. They’ll also have some new interactive eco-activities for the whole family. Invite your friends and family and join us in celebrating the life stream of LA – the Los Angeles River!